NLP Uncovered

I get asked questions about NLP all the time. People are not really sure what it is.

Is it about programming your mind? Is it to do with your language?

The answer to both those questions is YES…and so much more! If you’ve heard my story, you’ll know that it’s the questions that have continuously driven me to seek and search for more…through reading and attending lots of personal development courses. When I came across NLP, I just knew I had come across something different…and I knew that because I took quantum leaps forward in my own life both personally and professionally.

Does it really work….is it just another self-help program with lots of hype? Well if you’ve ever wondered what NLP is, and more importantly, can it help YOU achieve more and improve your life, I’ve put together this FREE video series (4 short videos), so you can really understand what NLP is, and how it can help you in your life.

    Stop the World

    • Are you finding that the pace of change is creating higher levels of stress and anxiety for you?
    • Is your mind racing with thousands of thoughts?
    • Do you find it challenging to stay calm and focused?
    • Have you ever wondered if it’s possible to stop all the constant self-chatter going on inside your head?

    I’m going to share with you how to access a different state of consciousness easily so that you can expand your awareness. Remember it was Einstein who said that you cannot solve a problem at the same level it was created so when you shift into a different state of awareness, so this is the place to solve problems and get creative.

    During this video series you’re going to discover the power, choice and potential you already possess inside of you…just waiting to emerge when you access a more resourceful state. So join me and discover How to STOP THE WORLD.

    12 Key Patterns

    • Do you find yourself falling in the same holes and ditches in your life?
    • Does it sometimes seem that you creating and re-creating the same challenges in your life?
    • Or do you find yourself blaming others for the state of your finances, love life or career?
    • Is there something for you to learn from a Key Pattern that you have somehow missed?

    We all have Key Patterns.

    Key Patterns are learned reactions – perhaps from family, culture, religion, the region that you live in, the media – and ultimately they are not part of your Divine Blueprint.

    So during this series I’m going to highlight twelve of these Key Patterns. You may have just one of them, you may have some of them, or you may have all of them. As you clear them in yourself, your healing and abilities to manifest what you desire in your life exponentially increase.

    We all want to be magnificent creators and manifestors, don’t we?

    So let’s open the door, walk on through and see which patterns you identify with…

    Letting Go

    Have you ever wondered if it’s possible to change the habits of lifetime?

    Have you noticed that your life seems to be on a loop in that you run and re-run the same patterns again, and again and again?

    When you are no longer able to change a situation, you are challenged to change yourself. Are you ready to step into a new way of BEING?

    In this video series I’m going to share with you how to LET GO and re-evaluate who you are being, who you want to be so you can allow yourself to be in the flow of life. After all, surely if you were consciously choosing your responses and reactions you would choose to be happy, joyful alive and fulfilled. So during this program you’re going to discover the power, choice and potential you already possess inside of you…just waiting to emerge.

    So sharpen your pencil because I’m going to be sharing lots of information that I know you’ll want to write down so you can use it immediately.

    And finally, I’d like to encourage you to be open minded, open hearted and ready to have some fun as you discover what treasures lie inside of you.

    So join me for LETTING GO…and get your life in flow

    The Journey to Your Divine Genius

    If you are just a small part of a larger whole then how do you step into a fuller focus of who you are?

    How do you tap into all you really are to feel divinely guided and dance forward in life instead of stumbling and falling and tripping?

    For surely you are connected and simply different aspects of the whole so wouldn’t it be kind of fun to see and experience different aspects of yourself?

    Wouldn’t it be useful to be able to access your very self from a very different perspective?

    This program is for YOU and about YOU. If you want to understand the enormity of your capabilities and who you really are, then this program is an introduction to YOU and how you function in this space, time, dimension, and reality.

    11-Day Mind Power Challenge

    Chaos, crisis, disruption and change! This is our world today and it’s fast becoming the new normal.

    How are you navigating through this storm? Kicking and screaming? Are you concerned about your future, your job, your health….your relationships… and what the world has in store for your children?

    If you’re stressed and anxious, then let me tell that you have a hidden gift that can make a huge difference in how you navigate this storm. This gift is part of your human birthright.

    There is a world within – a world of thought, feelings, emotions, light, and life… that may be lying dormant within you. How do you tap into that potential and ignite new possibilities?

    Your gift is your mind and when your mind thinks correctly those thoughts pervade through your nervous system and create incredible shifts. Your thoughts are not just random things that come and go – they are electromagnetic realities that create your experience.

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